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Currently Accepting


  • F/A-18C Pilots

  • F-16 Pilots

Closed For Recruitment


  • F-15E Pilot and WSOs

Unfortunately, the following airframes are closed for new applicants based on the current membership needs of their respective squadrons.

User Name

You don't have to use your real name but your name should look like a real name and not a l33tG4m3rT4g.  Some examples include J. Doe, J. Smith, John Doe, etc. 


We do not allow self assigned callsigns. Callsigns are earned and given. You will probably get a callsign by doing something goofy or particularly hilarious. 

Age Requirement

Due to Discord Terms of Service, we have determined that our group cannot allow people under the age of 18 to join CSG8. Your application will be immediately denied if the date you provide is less than 18 years from today.

CSG-8 Member Application



This will be your Discord server nickname and username.




You must be 18 years of age to join CSG-8


Before you submit your application, please consider your schedule and time zone to make sure you will be able to attend our operations on a semi-regular basis. 


Navy:       8PM US Central on Saturday

Air Force: 8PM US Central on Friday


Our operations typically start at 8PM US Central Time (around 2AM-3AM UTC).  They often run about 3 hours including the brief and debrief.


Here it is, the dreaded tell us about yourself question. We're particularly interested in what you're hoping to get out of the group, if you have any previous flight sim or milsim experience in an organized group, if there are particular types of missions you like to fly, and basically what do you like to do in DCS? What you type here doesn't affect your application, but our admins would appreciate a good response for the interview.



Once you click submit, our admins will be alerted to your application and message you on Discord to schedule an interview. Please join our Discord if you have not already!

This is the website of Virtual Carrier Strike Group 8 made for members of the DCS World naval simulation community.

For site issues, please contact:

We are not a unit belonging to the Department of the Navy, nor do we intend to impersonate one. We apologize for any possible confusion.

Site Design © 2020-2022 vCSG-8
Please do not reproduce any content found on this website without permission from a CSG-8 administrator. You can contact us on our Discord for requests to reproduce.


The use of the VF-11 and VFA-81 roundels are in the public domain and do not require permission to reproduce.

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