Community Rules
All members are expected to read and understand the rules and SOP. If you aren't sure about something, you should ask a superior in Discord. Seriously, if you are new, read the whole SOP. It should answer almost all of your questions. As well, the criteria for your carrier qualification is at the bottom of this document. This is pretty much the only long reading we will expect you to do.
Section 1 | Community Standards
​Respect others.
Uphold the image and community standards of CSG-8 in all public places, including other Discord servers, while streaming, uploading videos anywhere on the internet, interacting with users on Social media such as Reddit, or any other situation that involves you identifying yourself as a CSG-8 member in a public location. What you post could affect all of our experiences.
Slurs of any kind will not be tolerated (age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) from any member, even as a joke or used sarcastically or even 'harmlessly' among friends.
Pornographic links, or materials, may not be posted on any CSG-8 platform.​
While you're at it, think twice about posting anything a reasonable person might consider lewd or excessively edgy. We're not exactly prudes here but this is a place for everyone from all walks of life. ​
Harassment or excessive disrespect to other members will not be tolerated​.
Doxxing members will not be tolerated, even if not done maliciously. Let users share what they want to about themselves.
If a member asks you to stop a certain behavior, you should accommodate their request. If you feel their request is unreasonable, speak to a community admin about it in private.
If a community admin asks you to stop a certain behavior, you should stop immediately. If you feel this is unreasonable, you can bring this to the attention of the CAG. The CAG's ruling is final.
We aim to maintain a welcoming, inclusive, and relaxing environment for all members. Therefore, we strictly prohibit any behavior that is in bad faith, provokes or annoys others, or attempts to skirt the rules for the purposes of trolling or personal amusement. We expect all members to follow the rules in their spirit and contribute positively to this group. Any behavior that is an attempt to skirt, test, or subvert the rules of this group will be dealt with as malicious behavior.
For example, this includes but is not limited to behavior such as:
Masking personal attacks as legitimate complaints
Abusing legitimate functionality of your rank or privileges to irritate others
Engaging in common internet troll behavior such as utilizing a chat or voice space in an intentional manner so that no other party can make reasonable use of it.
Intentionally interrupting or derailing conversations
Instigating negative responses out of members.
All members must be at least 18 years of age to join and play with us. Those found to be under this age will be removed immediately.
All members are expected to maintain ownership of required modules. Currently this is:
The Persian Gulf Map
The Syria Map
The Supercarrier
One of the following aircraft:
In applicable situations, follow the chain of command.​
Your Discord server nickname should match the name you applied with. You should generally not change your Discord server nickname without informing your CO/XO.
Your chosen name on your application should at least sound like a real name. It also should follow either of the following formats should you choose to include a surname: "L. Jefferson" or "Luke J." You do not need to use your real name.
Section 2 | Attendance
All members are required to RSVP for weekly operations. Currently this is done by RSVPing to the event posted in the #attendance on Discord.
All members must have made a role selection on the event by 2200 CST on Friday, if you fail to RSVP before then you will be marked as an unexcused absence and will not be able to attend the mission the following day.
You are allowed two unexcused absences per month.
Exceeding the maximum unexcused absences a month will result in removal from our roster and being put as AWOL on our site.
Members marked AWOL may not participate in official operations until they have been re-interviewed by a community admin.
You are allowed to mark yourself as “not attending” as much as you like; however, given long/unexplained periods of inactivity, you may be moved to reserves or removed entirely at your CO’s discretion.
Absences may later be excused by the member's CO/XO or the CAG, especially where unforeseeable circumstances prevented a member's attendance.
Section 3 | Donations
In general, we do not ask for or accept donations.
All donations are voluntary and are NOT required of any member
Donations are given directly to the community and maintained by the CAG, community admins, and our dedicated community members where applicable. Once a donation is made to the community it cannot be returned under any circumstance other than the closing of the community. Even in this situation, the donation may not be returned in the same or better condition, or in same financial value as when it was given.
Think before you donate. We'd rather that you donate smaller portions on a frequent basis rather than an excessive amount once and regret it.
If a charge back occurs, disciplinary action may be taken against the member conducting the charge back, including termination of membership

Standard Operating Procedure
Section 1 | Operational Standards
Intentional or reckless friendly fire will not be tolerated against members or AI.
Appropriate brevity and radio etiquette should be used at all times on broad frequencies such as Guard, Common, GCI, Tower, Paddles, or interflight channels.
Frequencies dedicated to specific flights may be used to chit chat at appropriate times
Superior officer's orders are to be followed
In Beyond Visual Range (BVR) conditions, you are required to properly identify any aircraft you are locking with your radar. If you're not sure, you are expected to call "Raygun" on the Common frequency including the altitude and any other identifying information of the boagie aircraft. You should allow five seconds for other aircraft to respond with "Buddy Spike" if they believe you are locking them. Not following this procedure or repeat impulsive missile shots that result in friendly fire will be treated as intentional friendly fire.
Proper radio callouts should be used when deploying any munition. You can check the Brevity Code page for more information.
If you are attending the event, briefing for missions starts at exactly 2200 CST, and you are expected to be in the General Discord channel at that time.
If you are attending the event, you should download a copy of the Air Tasking Order (ATO) from #air-tasking-orders on Discord and briefly review the document before the official briefing.
The ATO will contain the radio frequencies to be used during the mission but in general the standard radio channels are listed to the right.
CSG-8 uses CASE I, CASE II, and CASE III carrier recoveries during operations. For your carrier qualification you will be expected to perform a full CASE I recovery. If you are not familiar with CASE I/II/III recoveries please review the Carrier Procedures page.
CSG-8 does not enforce specific CASE departures from the carrier​, however if you are launching from catapult one or two you should make a 10 degree turn to the right at launch, and if you are launching from catapult three or four you should make a 10 degree turn to the left at launch. You are responsible for timing your launch appropriately.
Your CO/XO will make flight compositions for the Saturday operation the day of. You can find out which flight you will be in by viewing the Flight Comp in the CSG-8 Info Sheets. Please review this during the Brief at the latest. A link to the Info Sheets is provided in Discord in #documentation.
Standard Radio Channels
Channel Name | Frequency |
Common | 253 Mhz |
GCI/AWACS | 251 Mhz |
Carrier Tower | 127.5 Mhz |
Carrier LSO | 128 Mhz |
Inferno 1 | 141 Mhz |
Inferno 2 | 142 Mhz |
Inferno 3 | 143 Mhz |
Inferno 4 | 144 Mhz |
Ripper 1 | 145 Mhz |
Ripper 2 | 146 Mhz |
Ripper 3 | 147 Mhz |
Ripper 4 | 148 Mhz |
Tanker - Arco | 230 Mhz |
Tanker - Shell | 240 Mhz |
Tac Channels | 271 Mhz - 281 Mhz |
Section 2 | Callsigns
All callsigns must abide by Section 1 Community Standards
Callsigns may not directly speak down on a member other than the one receiving it, nor may it speak down on a squadron.
Callsigns may not be suggested or chosen by the member receiving said callsign.
If you like your callsign, great! You get to keep it. If you don't like your callsign, great! You get to keep it.
A vote for a callsign may be started for practically any reason. An effort to involve as many squadron members as possible when coming up with callsigns should be made.
Members from all squadrons are allowed to make input and vote on a member's callsign.
To start a vote for the callsign once options have been selected, present the options to the member's CO or the CAG if the CO is not available.
If the person receiving the callsign is the CAG, you must message two COs with the options presented and both COs must agree to a vote.
A hostile renaming of a person may be held if it is believed they have rightfully deserved a new callsign, for better or for worse.
A hostile renaming must be agreed upon by two COs and CAG, unless the subject is a CO or the CAG, in which case two other COs or CAG must agree to bring a vote
Section 3 | Liveries
Squadrons will have four types of liveries: CAG, CO, XO, and LOW.
Only the acting CAG may fly the CAG livery in official events
Only the squadron CO/XO may fly the CO or XO livery in official events, and the XO may only fly the CO livery if the CO is absent.
All other members will use the squadrons LOW livery. For VF-11 this means changing your livery to the correct livery with your side number and also typing in the correct side number. For VFA-81 this means selecting the VFA-81 Low livery and typing in the correct side number.
Members who have achieved the rank of LTJG or higher will be allowed a livery with their name on it.
Members who have achieved the rank of LTJG or higher will be allowed a custom helmet that meets the following conditions:
It must comply with Section 1 Community Standards​
It should generally comply with loose NATOPs standards, specifically it should not contain large, highly detailed, photo-realistic or 3D artwork. All helmets should retain their tape markings as this was required by NATOPs.
COs may reject a design or ask that you make modifications, for any reason.
VF-11 pilots and RIOs who have achieved the rank of LTJG or higher are currently allowed to choose a provided colored visor option.
VFA-81 pilots who have achieved the rank of LT or higher are allowed a provided carbon fiber JHCMS option.
Section 4 | Cadet Qualifications
All members acting as pilots are required to be carrier qualified (CV qual) before participating in an official operation.
All members wishing to act as RIOs are required to be NFO qualified (NFO Wings) before participating in an official operation.
To ask for your CV Qual or NFO Wings, you may message @O4 @O5 @O6 on Discord in the #csg8 channel and ask for a trainer to conduct your qual. You should ask for your qual well in advance of the weekly operation otherwise it may not be completed in time for it depending on trainer availability.
The requirements to complete both qualifications are defined below.
Only CV qualified individuals may conduct CV Qualifications and only members with NFO wings may conduct NFO qualifications.
Pilot CV Qualification
You will connect to a CSG-8 training server, which you will be provided the info to at the time of your qual. Your proctor may provide guidance and help you complete your qualification but please be familiar with what you should be doing and saying on the radio before you attempt. You can follow the guide HERE for assistance before your qualification.
Select a CV Qual Hot Start slot in DCS for your chosen aircraft.
Fly a CASE I arrival making all expected radio callouts
Land on the boat 3 out of 5 attempts.
Wave-offs do not count against you​
Only attempts where your gear touch the deck and you either go around or bolter count against you.
You must land within the marked safe landing area.
After the first arrival is completed without critique from the proctor they may have you just conduct the landing pattern for the remaining two passed.​
If you fail more than two out of five landing attempts your test will stop and you will be required to practice before attempting again.
If you pass, your proctor will message the squadron CO/XO or CAG if the CO/XO is unavailable and inform them you passed.
NFO Wings Qualification
You will connect to a CSG-8 training server, which you will be provided the info to at the time of your qual. Your proctor may provide guidance and help you complete your qualification but please be familiar with what you should be doing as a RIO.
Select a RIO seat in a cold start F-14 aircraft slot that your proctor instructs you to.
Your proctor will fly the plane and will ask you to perform basic tasks verifying you know the basics of the following areas:
The full startup procedure from the RIO's seat​
Controlling the Radar and TID, and switching radar modes.
Deploying countermeasures
Deploying air to ground weapons, and Phoenix missiles
Using the LANTIRN pod
Managing Radio, Link 4, TACAN
Managing the Computer Address Panel and INS
If you pass, your proctor will message the squadron CO/XO or CAG if the CO/XO is unavailable and inform them of your passage.
If your proctor does not believe you are able to complete the bare minimums, your test will stop and you will be required to practice before attempting again.
We don't expect perfection but we do expect a good effort.